Lisa Lazar Says National Relaxing Of Civil Liberties “Improbable” - So Is The Pandemic
Lisa Lazar Says National Relaxing Of Civil Liberties “Improbable” - So Is The Pandemic - Video
Lisa Lazar Says National Relaxing Of Civil Liberties “Improbable” - So Is The Pandemic Yesterday, I received news that the California Attorney General’s Office is involved with the White House in planning an effort that, if implemented, would allow County judges to relax due process rights in an effort to make arrests and stop looting. My source stands behind this claim. On Facebook, a Liza Lizar thought the news was “highly improbable.” But the problem is the pandemic itself is highly improbable. As is the coming layoffs of millions of people. Fortunately, the California AG’s press office responded and said that it was not true and wishes that we would have contacted them before running the vlog. But given the source that was not done. Keep in mind, as I told the AG Press Office... I will update, but our source is actually sources, and from within the same government that you would work with in implementing such an action. So, I made the decision to go ahead with the news based on their current jobs and background, and most important their assertions that the planning effort was true, not the implementation of it. Just so I am clear, you are saying that the office is in no way involved in any such planning for a possible change to allow a temporary relaxing of civil liberties to maintain order? Can you confirm that? The answer I got was “yes”. Stay T
Lisa Lazar Says National Relaxing Of Civil Liberties “Improbable” - So Is The Pandemic Yesterday, I received news that the California Attorney General’s Office is involved with the White House in planning an effort that, if implemented, would allow County judges to relax due process rights in an effort to make arrests and stop looting. My source stands behind this claim. On Facebook, a Liza Lizar thought the news was “highly improbable.” But the problem is the pandemic itself is highly improbable. As is the coming layoffs of millions of people. Fortunately, the California AG’s press office responded and said that it was not true and wishes that we would have contacted them before running the vlog. But given the source that was not done. Keep in mind, as I told the AG Press Office... I will update, but our source is actually sources, and from within the same government that you would work with in implementing such an action. So, I made the decision to go ahead with the news based on their current jobs and background, and most important their assertions that the planning effort was true, not the implementation of it. Just so I am clear, you are saying that the office is in no way involved in any such planning for a possible change to allow a temporary relaxing of civil liberties to maintain order? Can you confirm that? The answer I got was “yes”. Stay T
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