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Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf On Ray Bobbitt / AASEG vs Dave Stewart For Oakland Coliseum Land

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf On Ray Bobbitt / AASEG vs Dave Stewart For Oakland Coliseum Land - Video

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf On Ray Bobbitt / AASEG vs Dave Stewart For Oakland Coliseum Land During our 24 minute talk, I asked The Mayor of Oakland about the constant chatter I get that she does not want Ray Bobbitt and The African American Sports and Entertainment Group to get to own the City's portion of the Oakland Coliseum. While Libby said she "loves" Ray Bobbitt, she said nothing to indicate a willingness to bring both teams together - something within her power to do as the Mayor of Oakland. I have to state that I am very disappointed in the actions of the Oakland A's legend in attacking the Oakland City Council. It's not a behavior that I've seen before out of a would-be-developer seeking a political vote not just in Oakland, but anywhere. Yet Libby's comments would seem to point to a new notion for me: that the Oakland A's are really in control of this process, even as Dave Kaval had said to me in interviews that the Oakland A's are out of it and that the city has went in another direction, and the A's are keenly focused on Howard Terminal. OK. This is a new ballgame of information. Moreover, the Mayor seems not to be aware that an elected official does not have to be "objective" regarding choice of developer. There are at least six different examples in case law backing the ability of an Oakland councilmember or the Mayor of Oakland, stating their preference. Libby would do well to just be transparent here. In the second part of this segment, Mayor of Oakland also revealed that shes in regular contact with Major League Baseball and believes they want to keep the A's in Oakland. Stay tuned.
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